Monday, July 27, 2009


sitting in zambia, at our hospital. got here yesterday.

it's freezing here - like, fingers numb as i'm typing this. the guest house (not the hospital's) that i'm staying in til wednesday has no heat. but lots of blankets, which is good.

they also don't have a shower - just a bath. i don't really trust filling up a bathtub in africa cuz who really knows how long it's been or what could potentially be in there. i don't really trust baths anywhere though, to be honest. even if i take one at home, i always finish with a shower. seriously, it's like, here...let's fill this thing with water and soap, and then i'll sit in it for a while till all the dirt is off of my body and floating in the water i'm still sitting in. a shower is necessary. all this to say - you don't want details about how i'm getting clean these days. and don't get me started on washing my hair. i think i broke my neck trying to last night. at least i'm not sweating during the days though!

sorry for the lack of photos. i think i will do a mass posting later this week. the photos are going to be from all over the place, but at least they will be up.

i will be here for two weeks. my phone isn't working, so looks like i will settle for email, :). not that i use my phone that often anyway, ha. i miss you all dearly - please pray that i won't get any sicker. and that i don't have malaria. i'm really achy and i cough every 37 seconds. thanks.

1 comment:

  1. oh NO - you can't be SICK! I'm writing you an email update this week, be ready!
